Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Alone

My wife left me with the kids today. Occasionally, she likes to go out and have a few hours to herself while I'm home.

The funny thing, though, is how hard she acts like this is. She constantly talks about how the kids don't listen and how they walk all over her. I just don't get it. They're great for me. They do as I tell them and they generally seem happy to do it.

Maybe the kids just fear me more, but that never seems to be the case. If anything, I think I'm the calmer and more rational parent. I don't yell often and only do so when something requires it.

I wonder if it would be the other way around if I were the stay-at-home parent. Would they then act well for her and poorly for me? Who knows?

But they're being good right now. Not even fighting amongst themselves.

Either way, at least she can get a break here and there. I get to leave the confines of my truck every so often; it only seems fitting that she should get a little leave occasionally.
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