Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Free Stuff

Just a short time ago, I paid for everything for my computer. As if the fucking thing wasn't expensive enough, I then had to buy antivirus software, MS Office, games and any other programs I wanted. Not anymore!

I've discovered the wonderful world of entitled nerds. They don't like paying for things - just like the rest of us. Only these guys have the skills to create replicas that are just as useful and often better. They don't get paid to design these things; they often do it for a cause: getting it for free.

In recent months I have downloaded, all for free, three different web browsers, full office software, a flight simulation program, a CAD drawing program and a photo-shop-style photo editing program. I still pay for my antivirus; those guys are just too good.

All of the programs work as well as or better than the programs that cost big money. The office software alone (courtesy of openoffice.org) saved me about $150. I believe that PhotoShop costs several hundred as well. Not Gimp, the free one I have now.

Computers are here to stay; I don't think I'm going too far out on a limb saying that. But I believe that the time when you have to pay out to accessorize them is over. Companies like Mozilla and Google have created free programs to make the Internet safer and more enjoyable. I have a black web browser; how cool is that?

I suggest that you explore the web for free alternatives before you go out to buy software. Of course, always do your research and scan everything for viruses and other malware. And don't steal shit; stay off the fucking bit torrent sites. They'll just fuck your computer in the end anyway. Like I said, there's plenty of free stuff out there already.

Oh, by the way, I use Trend Micro for my antivirus in case you cared. They're fucking bad ass.

Gxis la revido!

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